Speaker Detail

Fiona Wang, PCC
Stream : Coaching Competencies
Topic : Deep Change Project
Biography : Fiona Wang holds a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from ICF and a Registered ICF Mentor Coach . She has more than 20 years of experience as an executive in FMCG and retail. Fiona has also served as a counselor, mind therapist and life coach since 2009. She has been providing training and seminars on wellness and leadership since 2012. After resigning from her position as Vice President at a national retail company, Fiona currently dedicates her time as a professional leadership & wellness coach and coach trainer at the Integra Institute for the Certified Professional Coach, Certified Leadership Coach and Certified Life & Wellness Coach programs. She developed SMILE coaching tools to help people easily learn practical coaching skills that are already widely used by personal and corporates. Fiona has a strong interest in Mind technology and developed an Intuitive Coaching program that not only empowers the Rational mind but also explores the Intuitive Mind of the client. She also created the Intuitive Coaching Cards and Intuitive Leadership Tools as a tool for learning and developing intuition. She believes that everyone is resourceful and has the opportunity to actualize his best & highest potential.
Description : Self-development involves the formation of effective behaviors and habits to facilitate the desired transformation. Humans frequently face challenges in forming effective habits, including difficulty initiating new behaviors and the struggle to keep consistency so that new habits can be formed.
Effective habit formation is closely related to psychology and the functioning of the human brain. Every coach must comprehend this in order to properly facilitate this habit change in the client.
In this session, the speaker will share about knowledge and tips for forming effective habits.
The delivery will be connected with how a coach approaches in asking questions so that it can provoke the client's mind more precisely to find insight and learning in building effective habits needed, especially in developmental coaching.
In the form of self-coaching, this knowledge can also assist each individual in facilitating the desired habit change.
The material provided covers the following core competencies:
1) Evokes Awareness
2) Facilitates Client Growth